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  • felte

    An extensible form library for Svelte

    components and librariesformsforms and validation
  • svelte-calendar

    A lightweight datepicker with neat animations and a unique UX

    components and librariestime and date npm
  • agusID/boilerplate-svelte

    Boilerplate with TypeScript, Webpack, Storybook, Travis CI, SCSS, Babel, EsLint, Prettier, Jest

  • svelte-tags-input

    Svelte tags input is a component to use with Svelte and easily enter tags and customize some functions

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • sveltedoc-parser

    Generate a JSON documentation for a Svelte component

    components and librariesdevelopment and documentation npm
  • aovi-svelte

    Easy use Aovi to validate forms or values in your components

    components and librariesforms and validation npm
  • svelte-chota

    Svelte UI components based on super lightweight chota CSS framework.

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • @svelte-docs/core

    A rapid way to write documentation for your Svelte components

    components and librariesdevelopment and documentation npm
  • svelte-eventbus

    Simple eventbus realization based on internal Svelte's tools only

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-preprocess-markdown

    Write Svelte components in markdown syntax

    integrationspreprocessors npm
  • tinro

    Highly declarative, very tiny (~3.8 Kb), dependency free router

    routers npm
  • fa-svelte

    Font Awesome 5 for Svelte

    components and librariesfonts and icons npm
  • crayon-svelte

    Framework agnostic UI router for SPAs with specific support for Svelte

    routers npm
  • svelte-fullscreen

    Component that performs fullscreen in DOM Elements

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-grid-responsive

    Responsive grid system based on Bootstrap for Svelte

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-infinite-scroll

    Infinite Scroll Component to Svelte

    components and libraries npm
  • angelozehr/svelte-example-museums

    An example repo of a Svelte app that is IE11 compatible

  • antony/svelte-box

    A truffle box for Svelte, a seed for building an Ethereum dapp using Truffle

  • sidebar-swipe

    This is a touch swipeable sidebar component made for svelte. But can be used in any web project at the low level or as a custom element.

    components and librarieslayout and structuremobilesidebarswipe npm
  • stores-x

    use svelte stores like vuex

    stores and statevuex npm
  • svelte-appwrite

    A native Svelte SDK to integrate with the Appwrite BaaS API

    authcomponents and librariesdatabaseintegrationsthird party services npm
  • svelte-formly

    Generate dynamic forms for sveltejs / Sapper js

    formformlyformssaper-formsapper-formlysvelte-formsvelte-formly npm
  • svelte-websocket-store

    Svelte store with a websocket backend

    components and librariesstores and state npm
  • Axelen123/svelte-ts-template

    Typescript template for Svelte v3

  • sveltestrap

    Bootstrap 4 components for Svelte

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • @beyonk/gdpr-cookie-consent-banner

    A GDPR compliant cookie consent banner implementation

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • @beyonk/svelte-carousel

    A super lightweight, super simple carousel for Svelte 3

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • beyonk-adventures/svelte-component-livereload-template

    Component template with LiveReload and Jest unit testing

  • @beyonk/svelte-facebook-customer-chat

    A Facebook customer chat integration for Svelte / Sapper

    components and librariesthird party services npm
  • @beyonk/svelte-facebook-pixel

    A Facebook pixel module for Svelte / Sapper

    components and librariesthird party services npm
  • @beyonk/svelte-google-analytics

    Google Analytics tracking module for Svelte / Sapper

    components and librariesthird party services npm
  • @beyonk/svelte-googlemaps

    Google Maps integration for Svelte

    components and librariesmaps npm
  • @beyonk/svelte-mapbox

    Mapbox integration for Svelte

    components and librariesmaps npm
  • @beyonk/svelte-notifications

    Svelte toast notifications that can be used in any JS application

    components and librariesnotifications npm
  • @beyonk/svelte-scrollspy

    Scroll Spy component for Svelte

    components and librariesinteraction npm
  • svelte-simple-icons

    SVG icons for popular brands

    components and librariesfonts and icons npm
  • @beyonk/svelte-trustpilot

    Trustpilot Trustboxes for Svelte / Sapper

    components and librariesthird party services npm
  • TodoMVC Svelte

    A complete implementation with components, store, unit e2e tests and linting.

  • Blade67/Sveltron

    Electron Svelte boilerplate

  • @bjornlu/svelte-router

    An easy-to-use SPA router for Svelte

    routers npm
  • svelte-number-spinner

    A number input field that can be controlled with mouse and keyboard

    components and librariesinputs and widgetsinteraction npm
  • brandonxiang/svelte-webpack-mpa

    A template to create multi-page application powered by Webpack

  • svelte-slider

    single and range sliders

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-sortable-list

    A list with animated drag-n-drop functionality

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-data-grid

    A grid for displaying and editing any amount of data

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • query-store

    Writable store that syncs with the browser's search params

    components and librariesstores and state npm
  • svelma

    Bulma components for Svelte

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • svelte-forms

    Svelte forms validation made easy

    components and librariesforms and validation npm
  • svelte-credit-cards

    A component to render a credit card preview - useful for ecommerce.

    components and libraries npm
  • chuanqisun/svelte-electron-template

    The bare minimum boilerplate to use Svelte in electron

  • coc-svelte

    Svelte support for (Neo)Vim

    editor toolsintegrations
  • svelte-headroom

    A Svelte component to hide your header on scroll

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-fa

    Tiny FontAwesome 5 component for Svelte

    components and librariesfonts and icons npm
  • dafn/svelte-typescript-parcel

    Minimal boilerplate example of Svelte with Typescript using Parcel. This also includes scss support

  • dafn/svelte-typescript-rollup

    Minimal boilerplate example of Svelte with Typescript using Rollup. This also includes scss support

  • svelte-table

    A table with sorting and filtering

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-moveable

    Component for moveable, draggable, resizable, scalable, rotatable, and more

    components and librariesinteraction npm
  • svelte-ruler

    A Ruler component that can draw grids and scroll infinitely

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • Sapper (Webpack) + TailwindCSS Template

    Starter Webpack template for Sapper apps using tailwindcss, postcss, purgecss, and svelte-preprocess.

  • devghost/svelte

    Skeleton app with Parcel, Jest, ESLint, Prettier, Babel, Wallaby

  • yasp-modals

    Highly customizable and easy to use modal system

    components and librariesmodals npm
  • yasp-router

    Very flexible router

    components and librariesrouters npm
  • waxwing-rating

    rating widget for the web

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • @dopry/svelte-auth0

    Auth0 component library

    authcomponents and librariesintegrations npm
  • svelte-feather-icons

    Feather icons for Svelte

    components and librariesfonts and icons npm
  • @easylogic/svelte-summernote

    summernote extension for Svelte, a wysiwyg editor

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • svelte-dev-helper

    Helper for Svelte components to ease development. Used by `svelte-loader`

    components and librariesdevelopment and documentation npm
  • @elderjs/elderjs

    Elder.js is an opinionated static site generator and web framework for Svelte built with SEO in mind.

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-ie11

    svelte template with basic babel setup for ie11 compatibility

    template npm
  • svelte-routing

    A declarative Svelte routing library with SSR support

    routers npm
  • svelte-rate-it

    A rate component for Svelte apps

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • @equipmentshare/date-range-input

    A user interface for inputting date ranges

    components and librariestime and date npm
  • svelte-tree

    Tree view component for svelte

    componenttree npm
  • vim-svelte

    Svelte JavaScript syntax highlighting for vim

    editor toolsintegrations
  • svelteify

    Material components library for Svelte using the stylesheet of Vuetify

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • fabiohvp/svelte-template

    Svelte with materializecss + tailwindcss

  • farhan2106/svelte-typescript

    Typescript + Storybook + Webpack boilerplate

  • farhan2106/svelte-typescript-ssr

    Typescript + Storybook + Webpack with SSR boilerplate

  • svelte-simple-modal

    A simple, small, and content-agnostic modal for Svelte

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • @urql/svelte

    Svelte integration for FormidableLabs URQL

    components and librariesgraphqlstores and state npm
  • geakstr/svelte-3-rollup-typescript-vscode

    Starter for Svelte 3/rollup/typescript/vscode

  • svelte-icons

    Icon components for Svelte, featuring many icon sets

    components and librariesfonts and icons npm
  • svelte-native

    Svelte controlling native components via Nativescript

    native npm
  • svelte-typewriter

    A simple and reusable typewriter effect for your Svelte applications

    components and libraries npm
  • svb

    A zero-config CLI to bundle Svelte apps (WIP)

    cli toolsintegrations npm
  • svelte-copyright

    A Svelte component to format and display a copyright notice.

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-flex

    A simple and reusable flexbox component for Svelte

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-frappe-charts

    Svelte bindings for frappe-charts.

    chartscomponents and libraries npm
  • svmd

    Easy-to-use, Customizable Material Design components for Svelte

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • Holben888/svelte-starter-template

    A small starter template to get up and running with Svelte v3

  • svelte-material-ui

    Svelte Material UI Components

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • carbon-components-svelte

    Svelte implementation of the Carbon Design System

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • attractions

    A pretty cool UI kit for Svelte

    components and libraries npm
  • vite-plugin-svelte

    Vite plugin for compiling Svelte components

    bundler pluginsintegrations npm
  • svelte-spa-router

    Router for SPAs using Svelte 3

    routers npm
  • sapper-ecommerce

    Svelte ecommerce - Headless, Authentication, Cart & Checkout, TailwindCSS, Server Rendered, Proxy + API Integrated, Animations, Stores, Lazy Loading, Loading Indicators, Carousel, Instant Search, Faceted Filters, 1 command deploy to production, Open Source, MIT license

  • svelte-flatpickr

    Flatpickr component for Svelte

    components and librariestime and date npm
  • svelte-navaid

    A Svelte router powered by lukeed/navaid

    routers npm
  • svelvet

    A cli svelte compiler & watcher that works with snowpack

    bundler pluginsintegrations npm
  • @jamen/svelte-router

    Svelte router using a store and components

    routers npm
  • jerriclynsjohn/svelte-storybook-tailwind

    Svelte + Storybook + Tailwind - Starter Template

  • svelte-router

    Router component for Svelte

    routers npm
  • svelte-pick-a-place

    Svelte component for position and area selection with Leaflet

    components and librariesmaps npm
  • svelte-tabs

    Tabs component for Svelte

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelteml

    Simple package that makes ML more accessible

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-compare-image-slider

    A simple tool for comparing two images.

    components and librariesimages npm
  • jorgegorka/svelte-firebase

    A template to help you start developing SPAs with Svelte and Firebase

  • svelte-router-spa

    Svelte router specially designed for Single Page Applications (SPA)

    routers npm
  • justinekizhak/svelte-tailwind-template

    SvelteJS and TailwindCSS template

  • svelte-css-vars

    Ever wanted to have reactive css variables in Svelte? What if I tell you there's a way?

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-i18n

    Internationalization library for Svelte

    components and librariesinternationalization npm
  • svelte-loadable

    Dynamically load a Svelte component

    async loadingcomponents and libraries npm
  • svelte-preprocess

    A Svelte preprocessor with baked in support for common preprocessors

    integrationspreprocessors npm
  • svero

    A simple router for Svelte 3

    routers npm
  • svelte-notifications

    Simple and flexible notifications system

    components and librariesnotifications npm
  • baelte

    CLI tool for svelte to help you be productive

    cli toolsintegrations npm
  • svelte-fragment-component

    Component that renders its children with lifecycle hooks to simplify testing

    components and librariesjsxtesting npm
  • svelte-htm

    Tagged Template syntax for svelte to simplify testing

    components and librariesjsxtesting npm
  • svelte-htm

    Tagged Template syntax for svelte to simplify testing

    components and librariesjsxtesting npm
  • svelte-jsx

    JSX for svelte to simplify testing

    components and librariesjsxtesting npm
  • svelte-jsx

    JSX for svelte to simplify testing

    components and librariesjsxtesting npm
  • svelte-favicon-badge

    A custom component that adds a favicon and a badge that you can use to show for example number of unread messages.

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-preprocessor-fetch

    A preprocessor for Svelte that can be used to fetch data before components are compiled.

    integrationspreprocessors npm
  • svelte-redux-connect

    Redux binding to Svelte based on react-redux

    components and librariesstores and state npm
  • svelte-jest

    Jest Svelte component transformer

    testing npm
  • electron-svelte-boilerplate

    A base for building electron apps with secure and reasonable defaults

  • svelte-mode

    Emacs major mode for Svelte

    editor toolsintegrations
  • vim-svelte-plugin

    Vim syntax and indent plugin for .svelte files

    editor toolsintegrations
  • echarts-for-svelte

    Baidu Echarts(v3.0 & v4.0) components for Svelte wrapper

    chartscomponents and libraries npm
  • @lottiefiles/svelte-lottie-player

    Lottie player component for use with Svelte for viewing Lottie animations.

    components and libraries npm
  • lpshanley/svelte-phonegap

    Template for building phonegap hybrid applications with Svelte

  • svelte-preprocess-less

    LESS preprocessor

    integrationspreprocessors npm
  • svelte-preprocess-sass

    SASS/SCSS preprocessor

    integrationspreprocessors npm
  • @pwa/cli

    Universal PWA Builder (WIP)

    cli toolsintegrations npm
  • svelte-vite-tailwind-template

    A ready to use template that uses Vite and Tailwind

    tailwindtemplatesvite npm
  • LunaTK/svelte-web-component-builder

    Minimal setup for building svelte as a web component module

  • svelte-easyroute

    Easy router for Svelte framework

  • svelte-inview

    A Svelte component that monitors an element enters or leaves the viewport.🔥

    async loadingcomponents and librariesintersection observerviewport npm
  • marcograhl/tailwindcss-svelte-starter

    Tailwindcss v1 + Svelte v3 = <3

  • svelte-webpack-babel-scss

    Svelte template with webpack, babel, eslint and scss. Using browserslist with corejs for legacy browser support

    templates npm
  • svelte-particles

    Svelte component to easily add highly configurable particles animations to websites

    component setscomponents and librariesweb component sets npm
  • svelte-particles

    Svelte component to easily add highly configurable particles animations to websites

    component setscomponents and librariesweb component sets npm
  • smelte

    Material design components for Svelte using Tailwind CSS

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • svelte-image

    Image processing with Sharp for Svelte

    components and librariesimages npm
  • svelte-waypoint

    Lazyload images or anything component for Svelte

    components and librariesimages npm
  • sveltejs-forms

    Form components using Yup for validation

    components and librariesforms and validation npm
  • svelte-navigator

    Simple, declarative routing for single page apps built with Svelte

    routers npm
  • svelte-interactive-creditcard

    A fantastic credit card form with smooth and sweet micro-interactions. Includes number formatting, validation and automatic card type detection. Built with sveltejs and also fully responsive.

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • svelte-knob

    Knob control for Svelte.js

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • svelte-slimscroll

    svelte-slimscroll is a action for Svelte.js, which can transforms any div into a scrollable area with a nice scrollbar.

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • svelte-typed-js

    A Svelte.js integration for Typed.js.

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • Svelte for Meteor

    Build cybernetically enhanced web apps with Meteor and Svelte

    components and librariesstores and state
  • layercake

    a framework for mostly-reusable graphics with Svelte

    chartscomponents and libraries npm
  • descent-ripple

    A highly customizable ripple-effect animation for buttons.

    components and librariesinputs and widgetsinteraction npm
  • sapper-smelte-app

    A template for the use of sapper with smelte

    templates npm
  • svelte-types-writer

    Export nice typescript types declarations .d.ts files based form .svelte files

    cli toolstypescript npm
  • svelte-wired-types

    Typescript type definition files for wired js, a sketchy web-components library, for Svelte

    typescriptweb component sets npm
  • Browser REPL JS

    A Javascript REPL (code editor and code results) component

    components and librariesinputs and widgets
  • svelte-layout-resizable

    resizable layout component for svelte

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-preval

    compile time eval for svelte components

    preprocessorsssr npm
  • muhajirdev/svelte-tailwind-template

    Svelte + Tailwind = ❤

  • n0th1ng-else/svelte-typescript-sass

    Boilerplate code with Typescript and Sass bundled by Webpack

  • @egjs/svelte-infinitegrid

    Arrange infinite card elements according to various layout types like masonry

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • NazimAli2017/svelte-template

    Modern build process with Svelte, WebPack, PurgeCSS, code splitting, lazy loading...etc

    code splittinglazy loadingpreprocessorstemplatestestingtypescriptwebpack
  • neighbourhoodie/svelte-pouchdb-couchdb

    Offline-Capable todo list built with Svelte, PouchDB and CouchDB

  • Sapper - Firebase functions

    Starter Rollup template for Sapper apps with Firebase functions

  • Sapper - PostCSS, Tailwind CSS, PurgeCSS, cssnano

    Starter Rollup template for Sapper apps using postcss, purgecss, cssnano, tailwindcss and svelte-preprocess

  • nitro52/svelte-typescript-sass-template

    Template with Typescript, Sass, Storybook, Webpack

  • svelte-page-progress

    Svelte Component that tracks a users progress through a page as they scroll

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-page-progress

    Svelte Component that tracks a users progress through a page as they scroll

    components and librariesintersection observerviewport npm
  • nye/svelte-electron-better-sqlite3-starter

    Starter to built Electron apps with Svelte and Better SQLite3

  • @okrad/svelte-progressbar

    A multiseries, SVG progressbar component made with Svelte

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • OrdinaryJellyfish/svelte-routing-template

    Svelte webpack template with routing and lazy-loading

  • pankod/svelte-boilerplate

    Svelte application boilerplate with Webpack, Sass, BabelJS, Fetch, PostCSS, Jest, and .Env

  • svelte-intl

    Internationalize your Svelte apps using format-message and Intl object

    components and librariesinternationalization npm
  • svelta

    Style it your way UI components with dynamic Form Builder.

    component setscomponents and librariesformformlyformsforms and validationinputs and widgetslayout and structuresvelte-formsvelte-formlytemplatetemplates npm
  • svql

    Wrapper for FetchQL, a GraphQL query client

    components and librariesstores and state npm
  • yrv

    Basic router with queryParams and hash-based routing support

    routers npm
  • patoi/svelte-component-library-template

    A base for building Svelte component library

  • svelte-asyncable

    Asyncable store for Svelte 3 which is store a value as promise.

    async datastores and state npm
  • svelte-content-loader

    SVG placeholder components for loading content

    async loadingcomponents and libraries npm
  • svelte-image-compare

    Simple Svelte component to compare two images using slider.

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-imask

    IMask input component and action for Svelte 3.

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • svelte-page-router

    Simple config-based router with DX similar to VueRouter. Works well on the server-side

    routers npm
  • svelte-pathfinder

    State-based router for Svelte 3.

    routersstores and state npm
  • svelte-ticker

    Simple Svelte component which automatically makes its contents scrollable ticker-style if it's necessary.

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-ts-preprocess

    Typescript preprocessor for Svelte 3

    integrationspreprocessors npm
  • svelte-viewpoint

    Dynamically load a Svelte component with placeholders and preloading

    async loadingcomponents and libraries npm
  • select-madu

    A replacement for the select menu with searching, multiple selections, async data loading etc.,

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • pbastowski/svelte-poi-starter

    Svelte 3 starter with POI 12 and Prettier. Outputs web apps or web components

  • svelte-match-media

    a matchMedia plugin for Svelte 3

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-webext-storage-adapter

    Writable stores for Firefox/Chrome extensions using ``

    components and librariesintegrationsstores and state npm
  • svelte-writable-derived

    Two-way data-transforming stores

    components and librariesstores and state npm
  • storez

    A writable store with extra features

    components and librariesstores and state npm
  • mdsvex

    A markdown preprocessor for Svelte

    integrationspreprocessors npm
  • svelte-adapter

    Use Svelte components with Vue and React

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-test

    Testing utilities for Svelte

    testing npm
  • svelte-fusioncharts

    Svelte component for FusionCharts JavaScript charting library

    chartscomponents and libraries npm
  • svelte-ts-snowpack-vscode

    Svelte + Snowpack, TypeScript, SCSS, Jest with tight VSCode debugging

    editor toolssnowpacktemplates
  • vscode-svelte-component-extractor

    Creates a new Svelte component from higlighted text

    editor toolsintegrations
  • Simple Svelte Autocomplete

    Simple autocomplete / typeahead component for Svelte

    components and librariesinputs and widgets
  • svelte-hash-router

    Simple Svelte 3 hash based router with global routes

    routers npm
  • pyoner/svelte-typescript

    Typescript monorepo for Svelte v3 (preprocess, template, types)

  • @pyoner/svelte-ts-preprocess

    Typescript monorepo for Svelte v3 (preprocess, template, types)

    integrationspreprocessors npm
  • svelte-color-picker

    A color picker component for Svelte

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • svelte-inspector

    Development helper for inspecting and opening Svelte components in your editor

    components and librariesdevelopment and documentation npm
  • swheel

    Ultimate Svelte router

    routers npm
  • Svelte DevTools

    Chrome/Firefox extension that allows inspection of Svelte components and state

    components and librariesdevelopment and documentation
  • svelte-accessible-dialog

    An accessible dialog component for Svelte apps

    components and libraries npm
  • ricalamino/svelte-firebase-auth

    Svelte App with Firebase Authentication for all purposes

  • @sveltejs/pancake

    Experimental charting library for Svelte

    chartscomponents and libraries npm
  • Rich-Harris/svelte-template-electron

    A template for building Electron apps with Svelte (**VERSION 2**)

  • rixo/svelte-template-hot

    Clone of official Svelte template with added HMR support using Nollup

  • svelte-select

    A select component for Svelte apps

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • svelte-awesome

    Awesome SVG icon component for Svelte JS, built with Font Awesome icons

    components and librariesfonts and icons npm
  • rollup-plugin-svelte

    Compile Svelte components with Rollup

    bundler pluginsintegrations npm
  • routve

    Routve is an advanced unofficial Svelte 3 router.

    routers npm
  • jest-transform-svelte

    Jest Transformer for Svelte components

    testing npm
  • svelte-image-encoder

    An `<ImgEncoder>` component for editing and compressing profile pictures

    components and librariesimages npm
  • generator-svelte

    Yeoman generator generating a boilerplate Svelte.js app with all of svelte-preprocess' options

    preprocessorstemplates npm
  • MDBSvelte

    Svelte Bootstrap with Material Design

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • multicarousel

    A dependency free multiple item JavaScript carousel

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-heatmap

    Customizable version of GitHub's contribution graph

    components and librariestime and date npm
  • svelte-swipe

    A carousel with touch support

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • @slick-for/svelte

    Manage your views and routing using class decorators and dependency injection

    routers npm
  • saos

    Svelte Animation on Scroll - A small component to make your CSS animations work on scroll with Svelte

    components and librariesinteractionintersection observer npm
  • Shyam-Chen/svelte-play

    A boilerplate with Material, Babel, PostCSS, and Webpack

  • svelte-marquee

    Marquee fully responsive and adaptive for Svelte

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-range-slider-pips

    Range Slider Input, with Multi-handle and Pips features

    components and librariesforms and validationinputs and widgetsinteraction npm
  • svelte-infinite-loading

    An infinite scroll component for Svelte apps

    components and libraries npm
  • svelte-tiny-virtual-list

    A tiny but mighty list virtualization library for Svelte, with zero dependencies - Supports variable heights/widths, sticky items, scrolling to index, and more!

    components and libraries npm
  • soapdog/svelte-template-browserify

    A Svelte template for browserify

  • svelte-monetization

    A minimal and lightweight wrapper for the Web Monetization API

    components and libraries npm
  • @spaceavocado/svelte-form

    Simple Svelte form model handler and input validations

    components and librariesforms and validation npm
  • @spaceavocado/svelte-router

    Simple Svelte Router for Single Page Applications (SPA)

    routers npm
  • spaceavocado/svelte-router-template

    Boilerplate template project for SPA router spaceavocado/svelte-router

  • svelte-multitoneimage

    Component to easily generate multitone images

    components and librariesimages npm
  • svelte-progresscircle

    Flexible circular progress bar component

    components and libraries npm
  • stephanepericat/svelte-boilerplate

    Boilerplate with Webpack, Cypress, Travis CI, Storybook, and SASS

  • SteveALee/svelte-code-cypress-project

    Template with VSCode, Prettier, ESLint, Cypress, and Rollup

  • storybookjs

    UI component dev & test

  • svelte-toolbox

    A UI component library for Svelte implementing Google's Material Design specification

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • routify

    Automated Svelte routes

    routersssr npm
  • sveltejs/component-template

    A base for building shareable Svelte components

  • @sveltejs/gestures

    Svelte actions for cross-platform gesture detection (work in progress)

    officialcomponents and librariesinteraction npm
  • @sveltejs/gl

    A (very experimental) project to bring WebGL to Svelte

    officialwebgl npm
  • language-tools

    A language server and VSCode extension for Svelte, useful for TypeScript support in templates

    officialeditor toolsintegrations npm
  • sveltejs/sapper-template

    Starter template for Sapper apps

  • svelte-loader

    Webpack loader for Svelte components

    officialbundler pluginsintegrations npm
  • @sveltejs/svelte-repl

    The `<Repl>` component used on the Svelte website

    officialcomponents and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • @sveltejs/svelte-scroller

    A `<Scroller>` component for Svelte apps

    officialcomponents and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • @sveltejs/svelte-subdivide

    A component for building Blender-style layouts in Svelte apps (**VERSION 2**)

    officialcomponents and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • @sveltejs/svelte-virtual-list

    A virtual list component for Svelte apps

    officialcomponents and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • sveltejs/template

    Template for building basic applications with Svelte with rollup

  • sveltejs/template-custom-element

    Template for building basic applications with Svelte and custom elements

  • sveltejs/template-webpack

    Template for building basic Svelte applications with webpack

  • syonip/svelte-cordova

    Starter template for Cordova featuring hot reload

  • svelte-preprocess-postcss

    PostCSS preprocessor

    integrationspreprocessors npm
  • svelte-state-renderer

    abstract-state-router renderer for Svelte

    routers npm
  • @testing-library/svelte

    Simple and complete DOM testing utilities that encourage good practices

    testing npm
  • svelte-file-dropzone

    Svelte component for file upload and file dropzone.

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • svelte-apollo

    Svelte integration for Apollo GraphQL

    components and librariesstores and state npm
  • svelte-observable

    Use observables in Svelte components with ease

    components and librariesstores and state npm
  • sveltemantic

    Fomantic-UI components for Svelte 3

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • @modular-css/svelte

    `modular-css` preprocessor

    integrationspreprocessors npm
  • svelte-forms-lib

    A lightweight library for managing forms in Svelte

    components and librariesforms and validation npm
  • svelte-intellij

    Provides syntax highlighting of Svelte components in WebStorm and friends

    editor toolsintegrations
  • Ionic Svelte UI demo

    A showcase app for all Ionic UI elements to create awesome mobile apps. Published as web app too.

    component setscomponents and librariesmobiletemplatesweb component sets
  • tonyrewin/svelte3-ts-boilerplate

    Starter pack for Rollup, Typescript, and VSCode

  • svelte-inspect

    console.log()-like interactive inspector for Svelte 3

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • Svelte Reactive Debugger

    A Chrome/Firefox extension that allows monitoring svelte reactive statements

    development and documentation npm
  • prettier-plugin-svelte

    Format your Svelte components using Prettier

    components and librariesdevelopment and documentation npm
  • svelte-grid

    A responsive, draggable and resizable grid layout, for Svelte

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-popover

    A smart popover component for Svelte

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-zoom

    pan and zoom for images

    accessibilitycomponents and librariesimages npm
  • svelte-easy-crop

    A Svelte component to crop images with easy interactions

    components and librariesimages npm
  • svelte-mui

    A set of Svelte UI components inspired by Google's Material Design

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • Vime

    Focused on making embedding and using media elements for the web simple.

    audiocomponents and librariesinputs and widgetsvideo
  • s-offline

    🔌 Simple Svelte component to detect offline & online changes.

    network eventsoffline and online detection npm
  • @event-calendar/core

    Full-sized event calendar with resource view

    calendarcomponents and librarieseventstime and date npm
  • minna-ui

    A fast, friendly, and fun web UI kit for everyone

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • will-wow/svelte-typescript-template

    Template with TypeScript, Babel, Jest, Svelte-Testing-Library, Eslint, and Prettier

  • svelte-media-query

    CSS media queries in Svelte

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-mobx

    Reactive MVVM with MobX & Svelte

    components and librariesstores and state npm
  • svelte-watch-resize

    Watch element resize in Svelte

    components and librarieslayout and structure npm
  • svelte-input-mask

    Input masking component for Svelte (credit cards, phones, dates, numbers, etc.)

    components and librariesinputs and widgets npm
  • svelidation

    Easily customizable library for validation scenarios in svelte components.

    components and librariesforms and validation npm
  • YogliB/svelte-component-template

    A base for building shareable Svelte 3 components

  • svelte-component-template

    A base for building shareable Svelte 3 components.

  • svelte-fullcalendar

    A Svelte component wrapper around FullCalendar.

    components and librariestime and date npm
  • Zimtir/SENT-template

    Skip setup and start code with SENT (Sapper.js, Express.js, Node.js, Typescript) and other tools template

  • svelte-item-list

    Svelte item list with pagination

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • @zooplus/zoo-web-components

    Web-components library built with Svelte

    components and librariesweb component sets npm
  • svelte-atoms

    Svelte UI kit based on Atol design

    component setscomponents and libraries npm
  • @snlab/florence

    Data visualization framework, based on the grammar of graphics.

    chartscomponents and librariesvisualization npm
  • overmind-svelte

    frictionless state management

    stores and state npm
  • svelte-intl-precompile

    Internationalization library for Svelte that precompiles translations

    components and librariesinternationalization npm